Sunday, November 22, 2009

Questions about Forgiveness: when unacknowledged

There were a significant number of questions today about forgiveness. Here are my thoughts…

1. What if the person you approach to forgive doesn't feel they did anything to hurt you in the first place?

First, remember that when you "approach to forgive" you are actually confronting someone who has sinned against you (or so you believe). They may not recognize their behaviour as offensive, so you will need to be prepared to explain how you have been hurt.

Second, most of the damage we endure from one another is emotional damage. Repeated often enough, of course, it may also damage our will, inhibiting our best behaviour. That means we should use emotional language to describe the damage or pain inflicted.
"When you did this/said this…I felt…" One can't argue with feelings; only the person with the feelings can know whether they exist.

Third, many will never admit wrong. The healthier someone is, the more likely to admit wrong.

Fourth, when we make an approach to confront and express forgiveness, we are prepared to enjoy the approval of God, even if the other person refuses to acknowledge our wounds.

God's presence, God's approval sustains us. He sustains us with the intention of "putting things to rights" in the kingdom.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

Anonymous said...


This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at

Can I use part of the information from this blog post right above if I give a backlink back to your website?


Lane Fusilier said...

Yes, you may use this with a backlink.