Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Review of Francis Collins & Tom Wright

This new review was well-timed! The reviewer is a physics prof at Swarthmore; she highlights the Christian testimony of Francis Collins, one of the reference points in Sunday's panel discussion; she contrasts Tom Wright's Simply Christian take on similar issues.
Hope you find that stimulating!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to post a comment on your blog, but I realized this might be too long ;)

It was just about something you mentioned when talking about Young-Earth Creationists and problems they face. One thing was that the earth appears old and why God would make a world that looked "deceptively old".

Personally, of everything facing creationism (particularly young-earth) that's never really been an issue for me? I believe its more a question of our ability (or lack thereof) to quantitatively measure the supernatural. I'll see if I can make sense of what I mean, lol....

For example, God creates Adam - full grown man. Now if we were there and had to guess how old Adam was by looking at him, we'd probably say 25 or 30 or whatever. Knowing what we do about how the human body grows, there's no way I would look at a full grown human being and say "Oh, he's only about 5 minutes old". But in this case I would be wrong.

Light from stars reach our earth that scientists argue would have taken billions of years to get here. But what if God just created it so the light was already here for us? If the earth's creation was a supernatural one, I'm not sure we're able to measure or understand it. Naturalists would no doubt say this is a copout. But they automatically exclude the supernatural as an option, so they need to explain it in strictly natural terms - and from there it only makes sense if its billions of years.

Did that make sense? lol

Love to hear your thoughts!

Jenn Lewis